29 March 2023

Regional Alliance Conference for Rail Freight Transport 2023

With the occasion of the opening of the new 2023 call for proposals to incentivize rail and intermodal freight transport, the Emilia-Romagna Region, together with the ITL Foundation (Institute of Transport and Logistics) and members of the ER.I.C. Cluster, organized a conference on February 22, 2023 to present the key points of the new measure.

The event is part of the initiatives launched under the “Regional Alliance for Rail Transport” aimed at promoting the modal shift from road to rail through realistic actions and the collaboration of companies that use intermodal transport in the management of their supply chain.

The meeting started at 2:30 pm with the speech of Andrea Corsini, Councilor for Mobility and Transport, Infrastructure, Tourism and Commerce of the Emilia-Romagna Region, who illustrated the policies initiated by the Region in support of rail intermodality. Then Federica Ropa, Head of the Roads, Logistics, Waterways and Airports area of the Emilia-Romagna Region, presented in detail the new call for proposals and the participation modalities.

A round table moderated by Andrea Bardi, CEO of ITL, followed, focusing on the presentation of some “case histories” and business experiences presented by some members of the ER.I.C. Cluster: Guido Nicolini, CEO of Logtainer Srl, Viviana Gigantiello, CFO of Lotras Srl, Riccardo Sabadini, President of Gruppo Sapir Spa, and by operators on the demand side who benefited from previous measures: Roberto Aquilini, General Manager of General Noli Spa.

Paolo Ferrecchi, the General Director for Territory and Environment of the Emilia-Romagna Region, drew conclusions from the convergence between the region’s advanced fronts in both industrial demand and intermodal supply. He emphasized that this convergence, along with the presence of regional policymakers, contributes to building a vision for a freight transport system that is more environmentally sustainable, reliable, energy-efficient, and economically efficient. The collaboration that this allows will strengthen and innovate the freight transport system of the future, in line with the main national and European policies.

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